Thursday, December 08, 2005

Up Close

There was a great programme on BBC 1 last night about American artist Chuck Close. His BIG protraits are amazing. His mosaic pieces are inconcievably complex and beautiful. And they're all done on enormous canvasses. His painstaking style means he only produces around 3 pictures a year and some have taken him more than a year to complete. Check him out if you can. I was blown away.


Tony said...

stop lying, i know you were on the batter last night. your whole blog is clearly a fabrication. you've been rumbled, higgins.

John Higgins said...

I have spoken to my solicitors and we will be expecting a snappy apology for this outrageous accusation Mr T.

Tony said...

Corrections & Clarifications

I stand corrected and wish to clarify... were on the batter the night before.
